Installer of Steinberg Library Manager crashes

I have to reinstall the Steinberg library Manager and downloaded the latest installer. The installer unpacks itself, starts, but on the preparation screen with the progress bar still at 0%, the Library Manager installer crashes. I could provide some .DMP files, but they do not contain any helpful information, unfortunately.

How to track down the problem? Could there be some old registry keys of the Library Manager lurking around, as I was unable to uninstall the app cleanly? If so, which keys do I need to clean manually?

Please zip up the .dmp files and attach them here if the archive would be smaller than 4MB; if not, please email the archive to me at d dot spreadbury at steinberg dot de and I’ll pass them on to the team responsible for Steinberg Library Manager.

When emailing you, I get:

The following address failed:
        SMTP error from remote server for RCPT TO command, host: ( reason: 550 5.4.1 Recipient address rejected: Access denied. AS(201806281) [VI1EUR 2023-03-27T10:35:29.437Z

Don’t forget the dot between d and spreadbury.