Instrument filter doesn't close up after selection

When I click on the down arrow in the instrument filter and select one of the filters from the dropdown, the dropdown stays open even after the visible staves change. I need to either double-click on the selected filter or click somewhere else on the screen in order for it to close up.

Is this intentional? It seems more usual for a dropdown to close up once a selection has been made with a single click.

You mean the little 1-line instrument filter overlay in the upper-left corner? I’m not reproducing this behavior; that dropdown does disappear for me.

@Mark_Johnson Are you on Windows or Mac? Here’s what I get on Windows when I single click:

instrument filter

And when I double click:

double click

Mac here.

Any other Windows users reproduce this?

One more detail occurs to me: This “menu” doesn’t open on mouse-down like the regular menus on Mac; it requires a full click-&-release, at least for me. Are you able to open it and choose with a regular mouse drag?

Windows 10 here. Same issue. Funny I never noticed it before.

No, I need to click and release the arrow. (That’s what I usually do for drop-down lists anyway, so I didn’t notice the difference.)