Intelligently explode voices to different tracks?

I know that there is or was an “explode” feature in the Score-Editor but I whish there would be a more intelligent function to split my choral writing to seperate tracks.
The function should consider uneven note-on/offs.
Is this possible? if not, please make it so (A.I. or not, I don’t care :wink:

split this:

Hi HorNet505,
You can Dissolve the part by going up to Midi/Dissolve Part and then selecting Separate Pitches and then click on Process, but am not sure if that’s what you’re looking to achieve exactly?
Kind regards
James Colah

the problem with the DISSOLVE feature is that it is very strict.
It lacks in “understanding” light variations and voice leading. I guess an A.I. model would do the trick better.
I hope that STEINBERG has A.I. already on it’s map, it’s just a question of time and where it would benefit the workflow.
In THIS case a betrter algorhythm of would come very handy.

this picture shows the ineffincency in dissolving the upper part.
I need to merge parts again to make it fit which costs time again :-/

My approach to this is:

  1. Use a macro that triggers several Midi - Logical Editors.
    -The 1st sets midi channel to 1, if Type = Note, and Position in Chord = 0
    -The 2nd on sets midi channel to 2, if Type = Note, and Position in Chord = 1
  2. Now I make sure that the Color of the Notes is based on which channel the notes are. And I manually edit the exact voicing I want to have for each voice and manually change the channel of the notes I want in a different voice.
  3. Use another macro that triggers several Midi Logic Editors:
    -the first one extracts all notes on channel 1 to lane
    -the 2nd one extracts all notes on channel 2 to lane, (and sets midi channel to 1)
    -the 3rd one extracts all notes on channel 3 (and sets them back to channel 1) etc.

This method still isn’t perfect, and an AI powered function could get this done way better and I would +1 this feature request.
But I’m pretty sure that my 2 macros could get your example perfectly dissolved without any manual editing in step 2.

Edit: I forgot to mention, the 2nd macro has to trigger the LE in backwards order from highest channel to lowest channel.

1st > Thanks a lot for taking time to reply!
I get your point but then I am faster by just skipping your described pre-work, copying the full track and delete or mute not needed elements :wink:
When muting, I am a bit more flexible. If I am satisfied with the result, I delete the muted notes.