Interested to know if anybody regretted migrating from Cubase Pro 12 to Nuendo

And the reasons why please (too heavy, time eater, more resource consuming, etc.)
I am very tempted by the actual promo, but as a non pro user is it worth the money ?
I have mainly music only project (guitar, synths, orchestral, etc.) and would occasionly add some video music composing if … after 2 months I won’t regret this move.
Thank you.

What’s the current promo? When I bought/upgraded to Nuendo 12 a while back, I didn’t lose Cubase 12.

Or 11 or whatever the versions were.

I have all six licenses 3+3 activations…plus my old favs Cubase 6, 8, 9 due to also having the elicenser.

I had made the jump around Cubase 10 and have had no regrets, nor do I find my machine acting any different than before. While I’m sure you’ve seen this, here are the exact comparisons: Compare Nuendo and Cubase | Steinberg

Basically, you lose nothing and gain everything mentioned in this link (unless i overlooked something). Whether that is worth it is up to the user, but when I saw Nuendo at half price awhile back, it just seemed like a no brainer for me. (though that could possibly just be my <3 for Steinberg :slight_smile: ). I use it just for music as well but still made the jump.

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Crossgrade from Cubase 12 at 225€.

Yes but now you can only upgrade Nuendo to next versions, so your Cubase will stay at version 12.
No way back. Isn’t it ?

I mean I haven’t regretted it per se but it has done nothing for me. Basically I game Steinberg more money to have the shinest toy, but I don’t use it. The one thing I was most looking at, 7.1, has been brought to Cubase so I really don’t make use of the advanced features.

But I’m not regretting it, in that it works the same Cubase did (it’s a superset of Cubase) and it scratches my itch to have the best toy.


I see the promo now. But I also see the sale to buy Nuendo for $500 instead of $1000. Which I believe is what I did last year or whenever it was.

Personally, I wanted both Cubase and Nuendo and I do often run multiple synchronized pcs.

For me personally, paying 225.00 for a one-time crossgrade can’t beat just paying the 500.00 sale price to then own both.

Whatever the eventual upgrade promo price for Cubase 13/Nuendo 13…I’ll pay it.

In fact, I was glad I bought the full Nuendo 11 at its 50% off sale last sale because the soon-after upgrade cost to Nuendo 12 was negligible imo.

At any rate, everyone’s different. I just feel better owning both versions at all times :slight_smile:

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No, you keep your current upgradable Cubase 12 license and get a new one for Nuendo. So, you don’t lose anything by crossgrading.

Are you sure about that?

I’m not, I would get an authoritative answer before spending money.

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Yes, Ed Doll confirmed it in this thread of the German Cubase forum.


Then that is an amazing deal right now.


The Nuendo crossgrade has changed under Steinberg Licensing. If you crossgrade from Cubase Pro 12 to Nuendo 12 then you retain the Cubase licence.

Crossgrades to Nuendo on the old eLicenser system resulted in the Cubase licence being exchanged for a Nuendo licence. I think you will lose the Cubase licence if you crossgrade from Cubase Pro 11 or earlier to Nuendo.

If you want to retain the Cubase licence, make sure that you are crossgrading from Cubase Pro 12 (or a later version, when one is available), not Cubase Pro 11 or earlier.

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According to the information on the Steinberg shop page, you keep the Cubase 11 (or earlier) license but it can’t be upgraded any longer. So that’s similar to the upgrade from Cubase 11 to 12 where the license on the dongle is retained as well.
A crossgrade from Cubase 12 instead of any eLicenser-based version is indeed a much better deal.

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Thanks @David_W and @Martin90 – I’m not surprised they changed that. in my view SB has been working hard to modernize everything about the product lines and the products, to evolve in a market that’s nothing like it was even ten years ago.

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In a way this makes sense on a marketing point of view : you will have now 2 products to update at the next version :wink:

Last point : if I crossgrade now and wait for next Nuendo version to register/activate my buy, will I receive the ‘Nuendo 12 next’ ? (grace period ?)

But I shall surely not be allowed to sell the Cubase 12 license after crossgrading it to Nuendo ? Or the Nuendo license ? Very new system breaking marketing usual laws :wink:

I’m tempted by the deal too. There is only a $375 difference to have both licenses, at least hear in the US. For that, I don’t think it is worth giving up my Cubase Pro 12 license. They share the plugins so its not going to take much space to have both.

There’s no need to regret. After crossgrade I have two licenses, C12 an N12. Win-win!

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AFAIK the new license manger allows 3 local pc activations for N12 so factor that in.

I still use my N11 eLicensor as my video server too.

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And which one do you use most often ?
Isn’t it a problem that Nuendo projects are in a different format than Cubase ones ?

I have Cubase projects spanning 30 years. For that reason, I will keep C12 to access my history. N12 is my future.
You can, up to a point, open Nuendo projects in Cubase and vice versa. But personally, I don’t see any point in using Cubase anymore for new projects.

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