Hi, I’m new here and coming from Finale.
How can I input songwriting marks like intro, A1, A2, ending, etc, in boxed text?
I tried adding them as a prefix to rehearsal marks in the properties panel. But I cannot hide the rehearsal mark itself it seems.
Hi and welcome to the forum!
One way to add such marks is to click on the desired barline or some other object to select it, type Shift+X and enter the text. In the panel at the bottom you can activate the Border property to add a box (or a different shape) around the text.
But by default the text only appears at the selected staff. PjotrB’s solution below is probably easier.
The trick with Rehearsal Marks is that you set the index of the rehearsal mark to the alphabetic number (A=1, B=2 etc.) of the first letter of your text, and then add the rest of the label as a suffix. And set the RM style to Letters, of course (in Library menu > Engraving Options > Rehearsal Marks).
Edit 1: Martin’s suggestion to use a Text item is also good.
Edit 2: I’d use System Text instead (Alt-Shift-X), because then it applies to all parts at once. A text item created by Shift-X is for 1 staff only.
Thanks Martin, that works. The only thing is that I use the font Pori rehearsal enclosed. It’s got a nice thick enclosure by itself. But with this method the box is open on left and right side. I have to work that out. Maybe another font type.
Hi Pjotr, thank you for both solutions. The first one is really tricky, would have never thought of that. But it works. And using rehearsal marks gives better alignment, at the beginning of the staff. Only thing, now the box on the right side side is open. But again, I’ll try another font.
If I remember correctly, the characters of Pori Rehearsal Enclosed are not completely boxed by themselves but only have a line above and below them. To close the boxes on the left and right side, you need to enclose the entered text in square brackets.
You’re right! The brackets also work when I enter them as a suffix for a rehearsal mark. Was not expecting that you were familiar with this font. Thanks so much, I can move on now.
Thanks, very good addition. Then I could save as a template as well.
I know there used to be a “bug” when entering brackets to the prefix and suffix but it worked if you copy/pasted them in.