I’m trying to open a Dorico file on my Google Drive, so I tapped the “Open or import file…”, navigated to my Google Drive, and while it offers all the non-Dorico files, all the Dorico files are specifically grayed out. How do I file a bug?
I don’t know. Personally I have 2 Android phones, a Chromebook and an Android pad, with 3 of those 4 being used exclusively in pro audio applications. You may be right that there is more money to be made in the Apple ecosystem even though it is a small minority of every market where Apple is present. Apple customers are used to paying 2X to 3X as much as other users. In my case, I have probably made $8K or more in product decisions in favor of platforms that have viable Android (or non-denominational web interface) options versus equivalent products that were Apple-only. But I wouldn’t be buying this kind of thing under subscription even if it had an Android option, so I am clearly not the target customer.
The numbers don’t tell the whole story:
The problem is they are all different hardware, with different resolutions, running different forks of android, many with manufacturers skins in the way…
How on earth do you troubleshoot or patch bugs in that environment?
Apple offers consistency, wide ubiquity (at least in first world countries), a limited number of models, high adoption of centrally pushed updates, etc. etc.
I had the android equivalent of the iPhone a while back (read: premium android device that cost $850) and it took almost a YEAR before the manufacturer bothered to push out the updated android version, and then it was buggy to boot.
It’s just a whole different world with Apple. Yes, there is an “Apple tax” and it is real, but the flip side is that everything works, and works very well. Devices get immediate updates and are supported for many years directly from Apple. The devices run smoothly and tend not to degrade over time (my iPad Pro is 4 years old and still buttery smooth; my premium phone literally never ran smooth, even the very first day I took it out of the box).
Also, it should be mentioned that there are millions of non-iPhone/Apple computer users who still have iPads. They are THE standard for tablets, bar none. Samsung is the only one even attempting something similar at this point. (That’s not to say others don’t exist, but they are typically far from being competitors).
That is very much in the eyes of the beholder. Every time I come into contact with any Apple product, it seems to be a comedy of errors and confusion. I have never had a similar experience with Android-based stuff. I’m sure if I had grown up in the Apple cocoon, I would find it all very natural, but at this stage I can’t be bothered to learn all its quirks, especially when everything is so much more expensive than it deserves to be.
Incredible! Many congrats to the Dorico team.
I was recently lamenting that one of the main reasons my iPad Pro can’t take the place of a “real” computer is that there’s no standard pro-level music notation software for it. Now along comes Dorico for iPad. This is a dream come true. Thank you so much.
The introduction of Dorico for iPad will finally give me a good reason to invest into an iPad - probably the 12.9" iPadPro version.
First I’ll have to wait though, how my tax office will be treating the last corona year…
I just ordered an iPad Pro on Monday. Today it arrived in the morning. In the afternoon, a fitting app arrived out of the blue too
For now I am not sure how to use it (maybe composing on the go? But for contemporary music it might not be useful without engrave mode), but I will surely try.
I can already say, after 5min of testing that in the German Version, the text for the colour options for notes and pauses is too long to fit in the window.
EDIT: i surely scribbled 17 times with my pen in hope there is ANY way of drawing notes - at least selecting the pitch with the pen on the staff for the selected note value - with no success… maybe soon?
Am I missing something? Is there a way to input lyrics?
EDIT: I see you can do it via key command with an external keyboard attached, but I can’t find a way to do it without using the key command. There’s no icon I can find.
Compliments! Version 1 is already very professional!
Hope there is a way to import keyboard shortcuts into the iPad version. I don’t want to have to do it all over again!
A huge thank you to the whole team - you are fantastic!
@benwiggy, Android has 3 times more market share in the tablet market:. Tablet OS market share worldwide 2022 | Statista
Admittedly, amongst creatives, that may be distributed very differently…
However, as someone who refuses to pay the premium required to join the Apple ecosystem when I’ve always enjoyed great performance and reliability from my Windows and Android devices, as well as being able to configure them exactly to my needs, I’m a little disappointed that there’s no Android version in the pipeline any time soon…
I really love Dorico, it’s truly a game changer…
What I can do with the free version exactly?
I am tryng format 4 bars per systems but didn’t found that.
that’s is possible on the free version?
Thanks guys
The engraving options are part of the additional features garnered by the subscription.
It’s in the popovers menu. Toggle the keyboard in the top right and look for the “v1” icon.
The Engraving Options menu is not included on iPad. You can manually enter system breaks, though.
Subscription based SW is not an option for me!
Sorry Steinberg, no way that I even test it.
I am really concerned that Yamaha/Steinberg takes the Adobe road.
Maybe time to look for alternatives.
Jazz font PETALUMA works on iPad Pro 2021 !
BRAVURA don’t :
Please help …
That’s what I meant. It is “engrave” mode, albeit pared down.
Bless you! I see now how the side bar changes. Thanks so much.
I imagine that if this makes its way to the desktop, it will help a lot of people discover popovers. I know there are some that I use rarely enough that I forget about them! My current favorite popover is the Intervals popover, which seems to not have a button on the right zone.
It’s not finished and there’s quite a bit that I still need to update, but a reasonable amount of the iPad manual should still be helpful to support you get familiar with what’s changed, e.g. the task for inputting lyrics and general info about the user interface.
(Fyi you can click on inline images to see them larger)