When I want to export the file for Audio mixdown in my recent acquired Cubase ( Pro ) 12 the Export button is invisible.
I know it is hidden behind the taskbar, but I can’t shift the screen enough to get acces to it.
I have seen this issue in a Forum question in 2018 (!), but the solution is somewhat weird ( hide the taskbar ).
Is there ( after 5 years ) a better solution to make the button visible? Can I shrink the screen? Or wait for an update?
If you are at 1366x768, which is quite common, you are unfortunately below minimum requirements. The best solution I have come up with when working at my laptop is to just use a key command to press the export button that lies just out of view.
Thanks for the input. I managed to assign a key combination to start the audio mixdown. And it works.
About the screen resolution: I use 1920x1080, so the button to start the mixdown should be visible. But a mystery remains: There ís no button! When I shift the task bar I can see 4 tick boxxes at the bottom of the screen, but in the down right corner of the great black field there is nothing. What settings did I miss?
Thanks for thinking with me.
Now I have a keystroke combination that works,
The other solution that was suggested, is the screen % setting.
When I went from 125% to 100% the whole box became visible, including the lost button.
I hope you also can help me out with another question,
I will post it seperately soon.