Is it my old computer or C14 Pro?

Multiple times last night C14 froze, sometimes for a few moments, sometimes long enough I had to use w10 Pro Task Manager to close it down.

I just assumed initially it was my underpowered c. 2014 computer (specs in profile). But looking at the F12 meter none of the levels were over 60%. That made me wonder if it was Cubase that was the problem - under the assumption that if it was my computer then one or more of the levels would be pegged and I’d get a red overload bar showing.

Maybe that’s not a good assumption?

In the end I believe it is my computer, rather than C14, because things got better by disabling lots of tracks, but I just wanted to ask for peoples’ opinions on that.


Well that would only be the case if the root cause of the hang was depleting a computing resource of some sort. And while that is a common source of problems, there are other contenders. Cubase could be waiting for some kind of response and not really using any resources while it spins its wheels.

Ohhhh … !

That makes me realize I hadn’t done what i used to routinely do in the past - turn off the zillion processes I have running before using Cubase (OneDrive backups, Microsoft Defender, Tunnel Bear VPN, and others … I have a list!)

Thanks for that reminder - It’s been a while since my DAW was fired up and I’ve gotten out of the habit of good habits! :smile: