Is it possible to change the size of the chords?

Is it possible to change the size of the chords? I have a visually impaired student and I make his scores bigger but he has asked me several times if I can make the chord symbols bigger.

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Select the 1st Chord Symbol.
Use Edit > Select More twice to select all the Symbols.
Open Properties Panel and set Custom Scale.


If you have an active subscription or the Lifetime Unlock, you can now access the Font Styles dialog via the application menu in the toolbar. It’s currently hard to see the actual sizes of the fonts in there (we are working on an issue with the spinbox controls in those dialogs) but you can select the Chord Symbols Text Font and Chord Symbols Music Text Font font styles and increase their size.


For a labelled picture of the font styles used for the different parts of chord symbols, see here:

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I know this is over a year late (I’ve only been using Dorico for ~6 days now), but just wanted to point out that Craig_F’s post works perfectly in my version of Dorico 5. I’ve been trying to put in some lead sheets (jazz standards) and the default fonts are a bit small. Most of the other suggestions work except accidentals (flats & sharps) in the extensions do not scale along with the rest of the chord symbols. Using Craig’s method works great. I hope it helps others.
Thanks Craig_f !!!

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I’ve tried this, but if I change the custom scale it only applies to the superscript part of the chord, so a Bb7 gets the b7 lifted and a little more distance, but the B itself doesn’t change…
The only way to make the chords bigger that I have found is changing the font size, which unfortunately affects all parts.