Is it possible to input piano notes in different voices in Dorico Pro 5?

Is it possible to input notes using a MIDI keyboard in Dorico Pro 5 in a manner similar to the attached image? If not, what are some effective ways to achieve a similar result?
스크린샷 2024-09-24 오전 10.30.41

Most definitely!

Here’s the relevant section of the manual:

Is it possible to use the options to input notes in real-time on different stems for each voice in Dorico Pro 5? I couldn’t find this in the manual.

It does say

… But this would only be applied when you play different rhythms in one hand. The chorale-style example in the first post would all go into one voice per staff since it’s homophonic.

I have always found step-time entry easier and much more efficient.

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Only possible in different rhythms. Thank you

One could retrospectively filter for the lower notes and then press V (or SHIFT + V) to put the lower notes into a separate voice.

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Thank you