Is it possible to send MIDI on message to Key Commands?

Is it possible to send MIDI on message to Key Commands? some way I’ve never heard of? if not, that would be super handy.

IS there 3rd party software that does this?

In cubase you could have a look at the generic remote. It receives midi commands (note on, controller, whatever) and translates it to cubase commands. Not necessarily Key commands, but there is a huge overlap so you can reach a lot of cubase functionality by this feature.
It is not really well implemeted and full of surprises… but worth digging into it.

HTH, Ernst
PS.: I do think there is 3rd party software that does the trick as well - but I am not familiar with it.

Yes, you can remote control nearly everything in Cubase with MIDI events.

See Generic Remote Device

There are also third party utilities like Bidule and Bome MIDI Translator, that when combined with some virtual ports like loopMIDI, can intercept and convert MIDI into Key-Board and Mouse events, and vice verse. Some of them can even serve as OSC severs/clients (which Cubase doesn’t have at present), and more.