Is there a preference I'm missing?

I’m working with Cubase 14 Pro for the first time (moved up from C12), and there’s a behavior that’s different from C12 that I’d like to change back, but can’t find how.

I have an audio track armed to record, my left locator is set and the loop is not active.

The problem is if I put the left locator at a random location, say bar 3, put the cursor at bar 10 and hit the “*” key to record, recording starts way back at bar 3.

The only way I’ve found I can change that behavior is to activate a punch in point, but then I have a similar problem - no matter where the cursor is when I hit the “*” key, recording begins at the punch in point.

I’d like recording to start at the cursor when I hit the “*” key!

I couldn’t find anything in Preferences that looked like it might control this - does anyone know I can get recording to start at the cursor when I hit the “*” key?

Thank you!

EDIT: Found it thanks, it’s a Preference/Setting found in the lower left of the project window - choose between recording starting at the cursor vs at the punch in point/left locator.