Is there a shortcut to select all staves / systems on a page?

is there a shortcut to select all staves / systems on a page ?
to move them all.
or is there a way that one staff move the others also… ?

Hi @joakimsandgren

to select the squares you can (besides dragging a marquee selection with the mouse), click on the upper one, then with Shift+arrow down you can add the other squares to the selection.

If you have more then one staff in the System, you can use this shortcut to select the little squares OR the big squares, depending on your first selection:

For moving multiple systems, besides the normal shortcuts (Shift+Alt+arrow keys) there is the comfortable concertina dragging functionality:

I suggest following video for further information (is an old one and have a different UI, but the functionality is the same):

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thank you,
but, so, no “select all systems” key command then…

perfect video. I’ve already seen it of course but still don’t remember everything.
good recap then.
thank you,

If you want to move all the staves on a page, would it not make more sense to go into the Frames submode of Engrave mode and drag up the bottom of the frame (or drag down the top of the frame)?

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not as one shortcut, but if you set your key repetition ON in your Operating System, you can select the first handle and the keep Shift+arrow down pressed to have a reasonably fast selection.

no, I need to see the music. sometimes, (often) I have something that goes out of the frame at the bottom, but I see that I still have some space on top, and then I select the staves and nudge them all upwards…
so I was looking for a select all command.
but since it’s possible to just select blindly over the staves over the whole page and that that actually select all staves it is easy…
I didn’t remember you could just select or drag directly on the staff.
when you don’t need to select the squares but can just do the selection movement on the page it’s quite ok… and then shift arrows etc…

thank you, I loose myself with repeating. all can happen :slight_smile:
thank you !

I meant Frames mode on the individual page, not editing the Page Template, so seeing the music is entirely possible.

Yes, it’ll create a page override, but so what - if you’re shuffling staves up and down you’ve presumably already decided which stave should go on which page.

absolutely, that’s already decided…
but it’s good to keep the music in the frame… so I don’t want to just replace the frame…
hm, I’m actually never in that mode… didn’t remember you see everything…

thank you !

next up :
I forgot to dot the first note…
this is a senza misura measure,
to insert this extra dot I need to put a stop ? at the en of the bar not to deplace everything after it… ?
how was it ?

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I’m not sure I’m making myself clear. Look:

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See setting insert mode stop positions in the manual.

si si, I understood exactly that !
but since I’m an obsedé I don’t support to have these notes on the bottom outside the frame :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

For that matter Frames have Padding properties - you can always increase the Bottom Padding property if you have notes going off the bottom of the page:

(Obviously these extremely low notes are purely to illustrate the point.)



perfect. but…
start position with insert mode :

the dot actually takes from the last duration… and when I try to put it back it goes over the stop and starts to interfere with next measure…
I actually need to prolonge the senza misura measure… how ?

With Insert mode on, try dragging the Stop Position (red line) off the page, then dot the C - I think as long as Insert mode is set to global (long press on the Insert mode button and then select the Global option) it shouldn’t displace anything in the following measures.

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bravo !
oh, I misread, I did choose the bar … info!
I didn’t drag… I chose the bar and dotted, and it stayed inside the bar, and prolonged the measure…
thank you !

how do I take away the stop mark … ???
drag it off the music…


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