Is there a way to turn a page into a page template?

I have a somewhat complicated cover page layout that I foolishly did not create as a page template. Is there a way to convert it so I can apply it to other parts?


I don’t think that this is possible currently - but I most definitely second this request!

This would fix most, if not all, niggles with page layout in Dorico!
Overrides, begone!:star_struck:


No, it’s not possible yet, but the developers know it would be a welcome addition.

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Perhaps I misunderstand….
Can you make a copy of the file, select everything and delete. Then file save as template?

Jim B

Not a project template, but a page template, they’re talking about.

Ah! Thank you, Mark. I’m a new “convert” and did have a short but frustrating time getting a handle on the page templates (I’ve got it now)!