I’m using Dorico to make a lot of teaching materials, and I want different instruments in different flows. I often have one flow with a basic idea written on a piano staff, then I sketch it out still on a piano staff in the next flow, then I want to orchestrate it for an orchestra in the third flow, then back to a new core idea on the fourth flow etc etc etc. But every time I create a new flow, it includes all possible instruments and I have to uncheck every…single…instrument… for every new flow! It is annoying and time consuming. Why isn’t there a “unselect/select all” button or something? Or is there and I’m oblivious of it?
You can select all the Players by clicking on the top one and shift-clicking on the bottom one.
Then de-select the Flow from the Players, not the other way round!
The other thing is that you can Duplicate a Flow. When I do opera scores, I keep a “spare” empty Flow that just has the “usual” Players, and Duplicate extra copies of that. Then I just have to make a few changes, rather than de-selecting all the extraneous stuff.
OMG, thank you! That was what I was looking for