Is there an Audio Mixdown Preview (in Cubase Artist 10)?

I am wondering if there is a possibility to preview the WaveForm of an audio MixDown ?
This would help to see if the signal is to low or if there are peaks.
Currently, I have to perform the export, open the file in Audacity to see the waveform , and if needed, correct by exporting again with different mixer settings.
Thanks for adavance.

No, there isn’t, because in order to render a waveform visualization, you need to render the whole project.
I think that you maybe have the wrong approach, though. I would never look at the resulting waveform display to decide whether the file is OK. That doesn’t make any sense to me as it really does not provide good information.
What you probably should to is have analyser plugin (like SPAN or Youlean Loudness Meter) and get used to working with RMS or nowadays preferably, LUFS values. That way you can target your mix to be at e.g. -14LUFS integrated and be sure that it has an overall level that works.
Peaks in the waveform aren’t a problem either, unless they go over 0dbFS, which can cause clipping. But if you set your limiter on the master channel to say -1dbFS, you’re on the safe side.
Izotope has a good explanation about the different metering options here:

This would be a very useful feature. Cakewalk by Bandlab has a realtime waveform render preview button on the master output that I’ve found very useful when doing mixes there. I really like it. It’s pretty tedious to have to export, view, then go back, ad infinitum.

I just watch the meter. It is realtime, too.

I think Cubase Artist 10 does not have the “Audio Mixdown Preview” feature. This feature is available in Cubase Pro and allows users to audition the mixdown result before exporting it. However, Cubase Artist 10 does offer various other features for mixing and exporting audio, including real-time audio processing, effects, and export options. If you’re looking for similar functionality in Cubase Artist 10, you may need to export your mixdown and then audition it separately using your preferred media player or audio editing software.

Best Regards.

Awesome. Where can I find this feature in Cubase Pro?

What is it that you need to view post export?

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Supervision → Wavescope
(If I understand what you’re looking for)

I don’t want to see it POST export, I would like to see the waveform BEFORE I export. Try Cakewalk to see what I’m talking about. It’s actually a very useful feature. Yes, I know I can see the meters, but I would like to see a preview of the Waveform PRIOR to exporting.

I suppose what I should have asked is, what is it useful for?
What does it provide that Supervision can not?

Edited (thanks JM)

What is the feature called in Cakewalk? I am searching for it but can’t find it so far.