I have been going through old project files and some of the plugins that I used on old projects are no longer in new versions of Cubase. I used to have the DVD of 5.5 kicking around somewhere but I have long since deleted old versions of Cubase from my computer.
Is there anywhere to download these old versions so that I can open these old projects to get them done and out? My understanding is that our current license will work with older versions. I have 8.5, 9.0, and 9.5 on my computer, but I think I need something like 6 or 6.5 for these projects.
Some old versions can be downloaded from here, under Unsupported Products:
Which plugins are you missing? Cubase 9.5 comes with all plugins added since Cubase 4 (2006), except Monologue, Embracer and Tonic, because they can’t be ported to 64 bit since Steinberg doesn’t have their source code.
Cool thanks. There was a “dynamics” plugin that no longer exists as well as some reverb plugins “Reverb A” and “Reverb B” for example. There are others that I’m not remembering right now. I moved over to Mac from PC about 10 years ago and most of these are from before that transition, so I think that is some of the issue as well.
Any chance you know where the full installer for Cubase 5.5 is? Most of those on the download page are only the update files and require that you still have the full version installed on your computer.
I found my Cubase 5 DVDs. I’ll try and install it and see if that works. I may end up having to build a cheap old PC and install cubase on it or something.
You guys are PC guys right? These old plugins no longer work on Mac because they are from the PPC days. Do you know if they still work on something like Windows 7? I think I have an old copy of Windows 7 around here and maybe I can run that with parallels.