Is this site ever going to add a NUAGE section?

Well now I’m REALLY CONFUSED. When I spoke about the horrible design for accomodating the KD/Mouse in Dec. 2014, you said

That is indeed a inconvenience. However, you actually hardly need the keyboard. > The only times you need the Keyboard is for typing words. As said many times before, I’m not a fan of controllers. And at first I had the same reaction as you, but after working more than a year with it, I couldn’t xare less.

Meanwhile EVERY AD that I’ve ever seen on ANY controller stresses 2 major points:

  1. You won’t even NEED a KB/Mouse (well hardly)
  2. You can customize it to work the way YOU WORK!
    A lesser important, but often mentioned 3rd point is the proximity of the “ONE TO ONE” relationship enjoyed by users of real desks.

In every video demonstrating any controller, great pains are taken to stay as far away from the KB/Mouse as possible.
BUT in every candid photo of someone working with the controller they’re hands are usually on the mouse.

Now, I get that there are some things we are NOT going to be able to avoid using the KB/Mouse for with a DAW. But the entire benchmark of the pricing structure for these controllers (a goal worth tens of thousands of dollars!!!) seems to be based on how far away from the KB/Mouse we can get AND our ability to conform the device to our way of working , so that “IT BECOMES AN EXTENSION OF US” and thus, bridging that “extension” into the DAW and realizing the “dream aspiration” of “making technology invisible!”

Which parts of all those ads did I misunderstand? :question: