Is VST Live actually an active project that is being developed and marketed?

In the studio I am a Cubase 14 user, but for years I have been running all my live shows in Ableton Live with HDMI video out for projections and Enttech DMXis controlling the lights.

This setup works, but is somewhat complicated and not intuitive.

When I recently heard about VST Live, I was excited, but then I found almost nothing on it:

  1. very few tutorial videos by Steinberg or affiliated people
  2. almost no user generated content
  3. this forum here is also not particularly active
  4. none of the live technicians I asked that tour regularly have heard of the software being actively used

While it seems that there are new releases/updates coming out, all of the above make me wonder how much of a priority this is for Steinberg?

I also wonder if it’s worth switching a 35 song setlist to VST Live - only to find out in a few months that the software is being discontinued because nobody cares or it is too unstable/buggy?

Any info from the Steinberg team would be appreciated!

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This forum is massively active

This software is used by the Opener band at the Ed Sheeran live arena in Budapest (I know, because helped them).

And I personally use VL for my shows too :wink:

Also was teaching sound engineering and…


Sounds great. How reliable has it been for you?

You will like it. Meanwhile you can stick with the version you like the most. Despite of industry standards, you can access to ALL past versions of VSTLive

And the lovely thing: if Ableton supports DAWproject (new universal format), you can transfer your songs quicker.


I’m mr nobody, but I run an entire 6 musicians band live thru VST, lights, videos, 50plugins, effects automation, autotunes, 6 iem monitors out, click and cues, lyrics, etc etc all thru VST live on a windows 11 laptop and a 18in 20 out audio interface, rock solid.

If you ask me it’s absolutely worth the switch. Bugs are tackled and squashed as soon as you write on this forum, Two very active and responsive developers here, weekly releases of update here on the forum.

It’s true that this would benefit from improved advertisement, more official video/tutorial releases, some big name sponsorship.

Already talked about it here:

Here you can find some examples from me and @fkalmus .



Is it?

I am just comparing it with the Cubase forum etc.

I’d guess there are more Cubase users than VSTL at the moment :grinning:

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I’m just about into my 30 day trial period. it’s an awesome, powerful software. It IS buggy in some areas. But, as mentioned, you post about the bugs here and they get fixed quickly. I’m gonna purchase and I’m excited to run my show with vst live 2.

IMO, once they get it a bit more stable and fix some small issues, this will be one of the best options for this type of software.

I;m running my show from a fractal fc-6 connected to my axe fx 3. it’s incredibly powerful.

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Could you elaborate on thius so we can improve?

Same, let us know about instabilities, thanks.

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I will report as I find issues.

Nothing that comes to mind off the top of my head is the undo function. It seems to work sometimes. Or maybe I don’t understand it. But I try and avoid undoing anything at this point