ISSUE: Crop Time Tool (Display/GUI Bug)

Hi there,

I’ve encountered a problem in SpectraLayers where the display doesn’t follow the edit correctly. The display shows time that isn’t there. This occurs with the Crop Time function.

How to recreate:

  1. Create a new file (my settings: 60 seconds long, 48kHz Stereo)
  2. Hit record button and wait 10 seconds to record some silence at the beginning
  3. Now start capturing/recording a portion of audio
  4. Press stop
  5. Select the audio portion only and use the Crop Time tool.
  6. Result: The display will still show the silence that was present at the beginning of the file, but pressing play will instantly start at the correct cropped portion of the audio. While the silence is still displayed on screen, it doesn’t actually exist.

Video demonstrating the issue:

Current workaround:

  1. Use the Delete Time tool before and after the audio portion instead of Crop Time.

System/software version used:
Windows 10 Pro 22H2 || SpectraLayers 11.0.60

Regards, Jim.

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interesting…is that in standalone?

Yes, in the standalone app.

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