Issue Cubase 14 Akai Mpk249 faulty script

Using the original Cubase script for Akai MPK2 series gives a wrong pedal sustain behavior. When sustain pedal is depressed it MUTES the selected track in Cubase 14. ( This faulty Cubase factory script is migrating since other old Cubase versions).
Please, fix this issue.

Out of curiosity I just had a look at this script.
I see that the first bank of the buttons below the faders, are assigned to CC 64 (for channels 0 to 7), which is the sustain pedal’s cc as well. So I’m not sure there is something to be done here, except from perhaps totally removing the assignments for this particular bank.

Does the MPK have a different midi port maybe for the sustain pedal? If so, you could just uncheck the port for DAW handling from the “In All MIDI Inputs”.

Hi, thanks for the reply.

The solution i have found was from this thread.

Which worked well, but in general Steinberg and Akai should have fixed that long lasting problem.

Every time with re-installing updates i replace that midi remote script with the fixed one. ( But many other users might suffer from not bein super tech oriented of reprogramming things).

Cheers anyway!

Exactly, this is actually what I’ve said earlier about CC64.

Since Akai uses the cc 64 in one of its templates, (a weird decision if you ask me since I don’t know if it has a separate midi port for the keybed/sustain), I’m not sure that it’s up to Steinberg to change something. The solution provided in the link you’ve posted is actually a pretty good workaround :slight_smile:

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