This is partially related to Dorico, so hopefully we can get a bit more info and figure out whether this is a “me” issue or if it’s really a problem with NotePerformer.
I have a harp part (this is using the sounds from NotePerformer).
The low F (3rd down from middle C, 4 ledger lines below the staff in bass clef) doesn’t sound F. It plays back as an Eb (a major 2nd flat).
Has anyone else noticed this?
I’m attaching a little test file that demonstrates this. If other people have no problem with that low F, then it’s something on my computer doing this. harp_mistuned_low_F.dorico (516.8 KB)
I have been in contact with the good people at NotePerformer, I was just wanting to get a bit more input, which might help them diagnose where the issue is.