I own an iMac that is about 10 years old and runs Sierra version 10.12.6 with Cubase Elements 9 version 9.0.40.
I only use this Mac to work with Cubase… and I didn’t work on it for over a year (other things to do). When I got back to it 2 months ago, I noticed that some sounds that came with Cubase disappeared and were replaced by “noise” (in Groove Agent SE – see screenshot) or polluted by noise (in HALion Sonic SE).
I haven’t changed anything on this Mac nor on Cubase (except maybe some updates that I don’t remember).
I considered upgrading Cubase but the install wizard is incompatible with Sierra.
I considered upgrading my OS version but my Mac is not eligible for an upgrade.
Although Cubase 9 is no longer supported, I submitted this issue to Steinberg Support who sent me a list of actions to take :
Updating the eLicenser Control Center
My eLicenser was not up to date. I installed the latest version (
It didn’t fix the problem.
Initializing Preferences
I deleted the preferences relating to an old version of Cubase (Cubase 6).
I renamed the Cubase 9 preferences to “old.Cubase….”.
I also deleted the preferences for Halion Sonic SE and Groove Agent SE.
I restarted Cubase which reset all the preferences.
It didn’t fix the problem.
Updating the sequencer
I am using the latest version of Cubase Element 9 (9.0.40).
Reinstalling the sequencer
First, I deleted an old version of Cubase that I no longer use (Cubase 6).
Then, I tried to manually uninstall all related files but the link provided by Steinberg Support “How do I uninstall an application completely” did not work (“Page not found”).
Deleting Cubase 9.0.40 application : OK
Installing Cubase 9.0.0 : OK
Installing Update 9.0.40 : OK
It didn’t fix the problem.
I specify that this issue is random : the same song can play perfectly in the morning without any parasitic “noise” on the Halion and Groove Agent tracks… and malfunction in the afternoon.
Does anyone know this issue ???