Ties between voices work by the tied-from note having a reference to the tied-to note. If you change the voice of the tied-to note, it is effectively removed and reinserted, so the reference becomes stale. In an ideal world Dorico would recover from this and be able to update the reference, but in practice that’s not how the software works at the present time.
I’m still a newbie to Dorico since Finale 1.0 in 1989, but I’m learning and enjoying Dorico. Simple as this may be, I can’t seem to figure out how to tie the highlighted tie in the example from the “second” voice to the chord. Could someone tell me how? Thank you!
It can be tricky to select one note of a chord but can be done. Try zooming in and deselect the C (a little above center of note) or try selecting the E when zoomed in slightly below center of note.
Thanks for sticking with me. I was able to select just the E’s by deselecting the C, but now the tie (clicking the icon or pressing T) doesn’t do anything. If I select only the first E, it ties over to the next occurring E, which is 3 bars away.
If the notes are not in the same voice, you will need to select the second one by using cmd/ctrl-click after having selected the first one normally.
I noticed that in the screenshot in your first post, the first note (the note you want to tie from) is a quarter note. In the second post (the one after @lafin’s first reply), that note is a half note. Try changing it back to a quarter note and see if that makes a difference.