I’m loving the updates in Cubase 14 compared to my old version (C11) however when loading C11 saves Score editor is consistently NOT displaying any bass clef notes in a piano stave for tracks that are more than a few minutes long.
Its a bit like a memory issue. If I cut a longer track to create smaller segments, bass clef notes magically appear on the score of each smaller segment then disappear again if the track is pasted together again. So currently, this is unusable for me.
Any setup tweaks or fixes suggested?
Could you please attach a screenshot? Does it mean, there is no clef at all?
And following on from the other comment above, maybe you could also create a special (small/minimum) ‘dummy’ project that just shows the issue you describe and attach it here for investigation.? This would help dramatically speed up the ability to help diagnose the issue you see…
Please include your system info too (in case it has a bearing on what you are seeing).
The Bass clef appears with no notes assigned to it.
Here’s two screen shots to clarify.
The first is a midi track loaded from a Cubase 11 save and the resulting Score. The MIDI data is a piano performance with notes ranging from A0 to C5. The only score setting changed from default is assigning Piano as the instrument type. Several octaves of note data below roughly G2 are missing from the bass clef.
The second screen shot is the same file with a single cut made in the midi data track and the score editor opened for the shorter section. The score has now assigned the missing lower notes to the bass clef. Since my initial post I’ve a couple of instability warnings when working on C11 saves in C14, so perhaps this is related.
Would you be able to share a cubase project file, either here or send me a message? A cut-down version would be ideal.
We’ve made a few improvements in the upcoming patch release that may relate to this situation, and I’d like to confirm if that already helps. There are a few remaining tasks on our roadmap concerning the conversion of score projects from earlier versions.
C11_TestSave.cpr (1.2 MB)
OK, hopefully this file will help.
Its a C11 save that was opened and then saved in C14.
It consists of about 8min of MIDI data covering a broad range on the keyboard. The score shows note data in the treble clef and nothing in the bass clef. After a few minutes there’s no note data in either clef.
Cutting the file to produce a smaller segment of a few minutes resolves the issue for the segment.
Any solution for this? I just opened a project I made in C13, and I’m having the exact same issue. Chopping it into segments smaller than 32 bars works, but if I select all clips, it shows no bass clef.
I also tested exporting it as a Dorico Project, opened in Dorico Pro 5, and no left hand for the piano part.
Any ideas?
Sorry I missed this post last week. I have taken a look at this project and this has exposed a bug in the quantizer that prevents other notes from having their correct positions set. However it does appear that this MIDI was played in free-time with lots of rubato, rather than against the click, so the notation does not reflect the musical input (please do correct me if I’m wrong on this). The irregular rhythms that are produced when trying to match the input produce rather a torture test. Have you tried using the time warp tool to define the correct bar structure first?
Could you please attach the project (or a cut down version of it) here, or DM me with it?
Sure, here it is:
DORICO_Score_TEST.cpr (2.4 MB)
As you can see, selecting the first section I scissored shows both hands properly between treble and bass clef, but the 2nd section, which is longer than 32 bars doesn’t show the left hand at all. I recorded it to a click, so it’s not rubato. It does have some swing, so the rhythm isn’t 100% right in the score, but shouldn’t have to time warp anything. When exporting a TYPE 0 SMF, it comes in fine, but when I specifically export a Dorico project, it’s the same issue in both Cubase and Dorico.
Thanks - I’ll log this issue. I have a special diagnostic mode where I can see the notes causing problems for the quantizer and it appears to be a couple of grace notes where there is a tuplet in b67 and b71 (shown in green)
The quantizer hasn’t done a great job of picking up this kind of grace note rhythm, but I’m not entirely sure of the best way to notate this cleanly:
As you suspected Paul, this track was played in free time without a metronome, so there’s no expectation that that score would accurately map the timing of the performance.
Hoping for a fix regarding C14 score editor not mapping the left hand note data on the bass clef for MIDI data longer than a few minutes.
The problem isn’t the length of the track, it’s that it’s trying to work out the best notation for something that has no good musical representation, which results in complex notation including grace notes in strange places. I think there is a bug in grace note detection which is on my list to fix, but for the moment if you just disable grace note detection then the score will be displayed to the end.
Score menu > Instrument Settings > Interpretation > Grace notes: set to off
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Great, thanks Paul. That works.
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