I have been working on Tre Fontane, one of the Istampitte in Codex Lo. I expected to find on the forum a number of references to such pieces and their scoring, but I have not found any yet, so I will add my two cents worth.
I was aware it would not be easy to combine the original scoring and actual playback, since I wanted to be as faithful as possible to the original manuscript. I made a lot of attempts trying to have a printed score I liked, and to keep some hope for the playback to be achieved latter.
The istampitta has 4 Partes, each with its specific section and continued by shared sections R1, R2, R3. The cadences are identical for all partes,
Here is my latest version :
TreFontaneG.dorico (1.0 MB)
my favorite to date. I will call it the G version. I am quite happy with the printed score, but I am presenting it here hoping for advice on the possibility of future playback enhancements, maybe also for detection of mistakes in my current version(s) that could get in the way.
Playback problems seem to be linked to the complex mix of Start/End Repeat Barlines and Repeat Endings structures. The current playback failures are:
After the full Prima Pars is played and is followed by the Aperto cadence, the playhead does not back to Prima Pars for a 2nd execution, but backs to Secunda Pars which is of course followed by the Chiuso cadence.
The Terza Pars starts much better than the Prima Pars, and the Aperto cadence does back to it for a 2nd execution. But at the end of the Terza Pars specific section, the al R2 jump is not re-executed, so the playhead falls to the Quarta Pars and a Chiuso cadence.
I think the 2nd failure is related to problems addressed in topics like “Repeats after DC”, though I am not totally sure whether it is the same problem.
The first failure is more obscure to me.
But the version I tried before that one
TreFontaneF.dorico (1.0 MB)
that I will call the F version also had 2 failures, but they were both of the Repeats after DC type.
The difference is that in the F version the Prima Pars section is not included int the Repeat Endings structure which starts with the Secunda Pars. As a result I needed an extra jump target for the Chiuso cadence, which made me lose the R3 target. This is one of the reasons I moved to the G version where the Prima Pars is included in the endings. I was a little worried about starting a flow with a Repeat Endings structure with nothing before to be ended by it! Might this be the reason for the G version 1 Failure?
A quite minor point: since this is medieval music, I decided to use a Custom Key Signature, very simple, no accidentals at all in concert pitch, and a choice of toor. I gave it a name: D Dorian (which might not be the right one, identifying medieval modes is not my strong point). This name appears nowhere except in the Key Signature Editor, In concert pitch, I see a signpost for the key signature, it only says Custom. In transposed pitch, if I select the flat accidental in the key signature, the status bar also shows only Custom. Is there a way to have the name appear somewhere?