I installed the free trial of Cubase 11 Pro. It cannot open it; it seems like i need a USB eLicenser. This is surprising for me, I have never used that with Dorico, for example (only the eLicense Control Center app). Is it really so, do I have to buy this USB thing to get access during the free trial period?
They do make it pretty clear on the Cubase Pro 11 Trial page:
If you can just wait for Cubase 12 to be released you can use the new licensing method Dorico is now using.
Lookup Steinberg Licensing.
Yes, you do.
Cubase Pro 11 needs the USB-eLicenser, Cubase Elements doesn’t need it. Dorico is USB-eLicenser free for all editions from the very beginning.
Once Cubase 12 will be released then all Cubase editions will be USB-eLicenser free (based on the new licenses system).
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Thanks a lot. Having used no other Steinberg program than Dorico, I must have become eLicenser blind. I do not have time to wait for the update, unfortunately. Must I by nessecity use an eLicenser bought through Steinberg, or will the one I find in my local store do?
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