JABB Expression map for bass plays a keyswitch as a note

I’m using JABB, with the Playback Template for it so generously provided on the Dorico Blog.
Right from the top of the chart, I hear a keyswitch note sounding before the instrument comes in.
The JABB bass allows a low C, and the Advanced section of the Instrument Definition shows C1 as the lowest note. OK, that’s all good… The Garritan JABB notation set of samples uses C-2 (assuming middle C=C4) as the default keyswitch -
Trying to set the keyswitches in the Expression Map to C-2 fails - it only allows C-1, which is a sounding pitch for the instrument.
How do I get around this?
If I pick another Expression Map, say CC#11=dynamics, the problem goes away. Can I configure the JABB expression map so the keyswitches work without sounding?
If I defined Middle C as C3, the keyswitches move to C-2, but they still sound and play the C1 note.

I have mentioned this before, and I don’t know if John has had to time to change it, but last time I look at the JABB template, it used the Standard set of instruments, not the Notation set – the former having the key switches much higher up; the latter having them very low.

Turns out the problem was an old edit I did to the sfz file, wanting to get a low C on the upright. I had mistakenly defined all 13 instances of “lokey” to =0, when it should have been 24 to limit the axe to C1. A quick find-change with BB edit fixed it.
The Garritan help page doesn’t list JABB in the correct directory, which is the same directory as GIFF.
I don’t see any keyswitches marked in the Aria Player for the notation set, and as you mentioned, the Standard set shows a keyswitch for C0.
I don’t know how many of your other users have edited their sfz files, but…maybe this will help any other weirdos.

I’ve actually done extensive editing of SFZ files, including making entirely new string instruments from the available samples!

I’ve written an “Advanced ARIA” manual, which is on the GPO5 thread, if you haven’t already seen it.

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One great thing about your JABB Template, a nice improvement over Finale, is your addition of an arco keyswitch via a second instrument !