Jazz special characters - eye glasses

Hi, does the petaluma font have a special character for the eye glasses to draw attention to something unusual?

I can’t find it there.

NorFonts features eye glasses.

vai qui: Miscellaneous symbols - Standard Music Font Layout (SMuFL)
poi seleziona il simbolo e Copy; quando inserisci il testo (schift + X) fai incolla.
Buona Musica

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Home - Standard Music Font Layout (SMuFL)
l’elenco parte da Glyph tables

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You may try the Jazz or Broadway fonts by installing Finale demo, or Sibelius demo where the Inkpen2 Special and Reprise special features such glasses.

In case you need to insert it as an image here it’s:

Jazz font

Reprise Special font

InkPen 2 Special font

Broadway font

Hope this helps!

Interesting idea!!

When you copy/paste the music symbol while trying Shift+x, set the text font to “Bravura” to get the symbol displayed correctly.

Basta che tu selezioni Testo musicale e lui in automatico ti dĂ  il Font:
Schermata 2021-06-09 alle 11.13.16

The perspective on the Jazz and Broadway glasses is all wrong!

The left hand side should be higher up, or horizontal at least, but certainly not lower down. :face_vomiting:

I recently made one myself; it’s SVG, but i can’t post it here.
Here’s an example in JPEG

Thanks for all these ideas and files - I have Inkpen installed, but I’m at a loss as how to insert the glyph! It’s a feature I only used rarely on Finale…help!!

Create a custom playing technique and insert the glyph there.

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