Jbridge Blacklist Working Solution

For me jbridge and lot of vst 32bit works flawlessly in C9 without running in administrator mode etc.

In the beginning of the year I contacted jstuff (jBridge ( for Windows ) | J's stuff) about problems in Windows 10, and he (Jao) sends me modified installer which doesn’t require to run anything as admin in order to work.

All 32bit plugins including UAD 1 works.

So contact jstuff and he will sends you modified installer and I am sure it will works.

Cheers :slight_smile:

I have Cubase Pro 9 I have been trying to get my 32 bit Waves plugins to work can you give me any advice or insight on how to get to it run non admin mode? Shows them as there but keeps telling me Dll is not there and I can see it in the 64 bit folder appreciate the help if you could

There is new version of jbridge that doesent require admin mode. Althrough i dont using waves but I know they support 64bit so you dont need jbridge for it.