Joining stems across multiple bars

I’ve been asked to put together a chart of instrument ranges that’s set up with very long lines connecting the notes across several octaves that span the range, like so:

I’m using Dorico’s horizontal lines, which work really well, except that it doesn’t seem like there’s an option to have them snap to the stems; I am aligning them manually but it is very hard to make the join consistent.

Is there a better way to link these notes?

Enter the note at each end as an eighth.
Select all the rests in between and do Edit > Remove Rests.
Select the note at each end so that both are highlighted (select the first and then press shift + right arrow).
Do Edit > Notations > Beaming > Beam Together.


Thank you!

One final step in the sequence: remember to apply “Force Centered Beam” to fix incorrect stem direction and beam slants that can happen with multi-octave spans!

Thanks again, Steven!