Joining the crash club!

Hi all,

Seems like I’ve just joined the crash club! Working on a score that crashes if I switch to page view with condense turned on. Condense and galley play fine but the moment I switch to page its over! First time for me and I’ve been using D3 since release. Seems there are a few issues with D3…

I’ve attached a diagnostics report and I’m happy to send a project through to someone at Steinberg. Thanks for all your help - must be pretty frustrating for you guys too! I love Dorico but hope it doesn’t turn into a mess.

Dorico (387 KB)

Hi all,

Seems I’ve joined the D3 crash club. I’ve been happily using the condense feature for months and all of a sudden midway through a project I get a crash the moment I switch to page view with condense on. Attached is the dump and dorico diagnostics. Happy to send a project privately. Deleting all layouts and creating a new full score layout also produces a crash.

D3 crash (22 KB)
Dorico (387 KB)

Welcome to the forum, fhrw. I’m sorry you’re experiencing crashes. I think we will need to see the project to be able to say what’s going on here. Please email it to me at d dot spreadbury at steinberg dot de together with a description of the steps required to reproduce the crash, and we’ll look into it.

Hi Daniel! Thanks for taking the time to reply. I will email you tomorrow morning. You’re doing a great job!