Jump with Cursor/Selection, not just visually

When jumping to a specific measure via ⌘G[o-To-Bar] or J[ump]->GoTo->m#, the target shows on the screen - But, the “cursor”/selection is still back at the point I was just editing, so if I use the arrows or type a note, the window immediately jumps back to where it was.

Can I use the keyboard to also move the selection/cursor so I can edit/write in the measure I jump to or do I need to click it with the mouse?

Hopefully this question makes sense and I’m sorry to be posting so many questions, I’m just trying to figure things out.

It seems that you have to click something. If you go to a rehearsal mark, it will be selected, so go to measure works differently.

When you have a selection off screen, you can ⌘D to Deselect All and → to select the first item in view.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Unfortunately it seems that ⌘G # ⮐, ⌘D, left-arrow works sometimes but usually does not.
I’ll make some screen recordings later.