Key appearance in hybrid score / tab

I’m using score pages with dual score plus tab by activating in the tab options “staff in mirror”
When I want to select the key (let’s say G Major that would make appear an F# close to the clef), I’ve a message saying “keys are deactivated when tab is activated”

This is a clear Cubase limitation, and I guess there is no way to override it

There still would be a workaround using 2 different tracks, one in score and the other in tab, but they will no longer interact. So it is only a final option to print the score with the correct keys, but during editing, this is not my goto workflow

Key signature on tablature? :thinking:
Are you sure?

Not on tab, just on the score with notes
My intent is to keep the harmonic context accurate
This would induce that if in a score in G Major , a F# would appear with no sharp at note level, because it has been set in the key signature, that the tab would keep this information to show the F note a half-step above on the fretboard as a F#
But it seems this is not the way Cubase score is working, so I’ll have to forget this option

Here is what I get:


How do you proceed to add the key signature?

First I activate the tab mode, and next in the tab options, “portée en miroir” that creates a score line above the tab line

Next, I go to the G clef, open the parameters window, and try to change the key signature
But a message tells me that this is not allowed when the tab is activated

For this purpose, use the Keys palette in the Left Zone of the Score Editor to insert the key signature.

Option 1

Option 2
In Score Settings
Deactivate Tablature mode
Set or change the key signature
Reactivate Tablature mode

Yes ! This is it ! Option 1 is my goto choice
I’ve tried to insert an F# in the score after having set the key signature to G Major
The F# appears with no sharp on the note, and the tab fret is an F#. Perfect
Thanks again for your help and your very powerful tips