Key Editor now shows lyrics

I just entered some lyrics using the score editor. Then I opened the part in the key editor and noticed that it now shows the lyrics right after the note name when the horizontal and vertical zooms are large enough.

This will be super useful to me and is very cool! :smiley: Kudos Steinberg.

Wow, that’s great! :slight_smile:
Also, the lyrics are seen in the new “Text” field in the Info Line, and (I’ve just tried it), you can insert lyrics from there too! :slight_smile:


Always hated using the notepad because it had not formatting.

SB is listening thats for sure


I confess I use lyrics almost always for fingering and centered text on the note, but… yes, nice :smiley:

nice! can you post a screenshot, please? (I´m on vacation) :slight_smile:

Here you go. They actually did a bunch of stuff in Score, including new way of specifying which layer to use, reorganized Score Symbol setup, textured page backgrounds and other stuff I can’t think of right this second.

Aloha r, +1
and thanks for the ‘heads up’.
