Key Signature Anomalies

Dorico’s key signature popover accepts gb for G Flat Minor, cb for C Flat Minor and fb for F Flat Minor. These key signatures should have two, three and four double flats, respectively. If one of these key signatures is entered in the popover and selected, the status bar shows the key signature that was entered. However, all of these key signatures look and behave like D Flat Minor, which has only one double flat:


Dorico does not support key signatures beyond D flat minor, so there’s something up with the popover parser there, I fear. The popover should ignore input beyond D flat minor.


Does this mean that it’s impossible to use Bbb major, for example?
I’m copying out the 3rd Movement of Shostakovich Symphony #5, which is in A major, but has a Eb clarinet. The Eb Clarinet shows 6 sharps by default, but I’d like it to show 6 flats (to match the score), and the setting in Notation Options (Prefer enharmonic equivalent key signatures with fewer accidentals) doesn’t change anything (probably because 6 flats isn’t fewer than 6 sharps)

Hi @Simon_Dawkins, you can use the Clef and Transposition Overrides in Setup mode (right clicking on the layout on the right panel, in both Full Score and Part, for the Clar. Eb ), and set it to D# instead of Eb. Then change the staff label to show the player name in Layout Options.
I don’t know if this has some hidden disadvantages, but gives you the 6 flats that you desire :slight_smile: :


Another way is to give the Eb Clarinet an independent key signature of G Flat Minor. Select the first note or rest in the Eb Clarinet staff with six sharps, press Shift-K to open the key signature popover, enter gb in the popover and press Alt/Opt-Return to obtain six flats.

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Perhaps the reason that Dorico allows gb, cb and fb in the key signature popover is to allow instruments in Eb, Ab and Db to have independent key signatures with six flats rather than six sharps in their parts when the concert key signature is A, D and G, respectively.

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Yep, this worked for me (I had already tried this, but was only applying it to the part and not the full score layout).
Thank you!
I guess then just change the instrument name so it doesn’t say Clarinet in D#

Or do following: