Keyboard Shortcuts for "Apply" in each and every Module


Post user feature request:

In RX I have all the Render buttons on every module-- at least the ones with shortcuts- committed to keystrokes that I customized. It makes editing a lot quicker, particularly if I’m doing repetitive gain reduction and ambience fill.

Is there a way this can be implemented?

I think so…
Edit> Preferences>Shortcuts tab

then assign the computer keyboard keys to the modules you want to run

I think the “modules: apply” keyboard shortcut is global to the modules

I haven’t tried what you are asking :slight_smile:

In RX, Apply or Render is available as assignable keys on a per module basis. For instance, I use COMMAND+G to call up the Gain module and then SHIFT+G to apply it. If I have multiple modules open, a global command doesn’t really work as intended.

Something that I always recommend (hopefully your a windows user) is Microsoft’s own “PowerToys”.

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Hi Joey,

I’m not. This sort of seems like a reasonable request and it’ll also help people like me migrate from RX to SL11. D

Request noted, but there’s a workaround you can already use now : assign keyboard shortcuts to your modules, and then press them once or twice to put them in focus (once: hide the module if it’s already shown, twice: show it again with focus on its dialog), then use the Apply shortcut (Ctrl+Return on Windows, Cmd+Return on macOS).


Hi Robin,

Thanks. I’m usually working with multiple modules so just being able to apply them without first focussing each one is a massive timesaver. I will continue to use the workaround for now.


@Damian_Kearns here’s what’s coming up with the next patch at the end of the month :slight_smile:


Wow! Thanks Robin! That’ll speed stuff up. Now, for third party plugins, how might that work? Would you do something similar with the VST3 window? That would be a great workaround when I need to use plugins that aren’t currently part of SL11’s repertoire.


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The VST3 Effects module is a module like any other module, so yes that will work the same. You just need to set what VST3 plugins you want to use in the VST3 Effects module beforehand.

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Thanks, I figured as much, this will help out a lot. Much of the time, it’s not necessary to even have the module window open if the settings are how I want them to be. I’m often applying Gain for instance, at a default -7 dB. So I don’t even have to see that module open.

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I see this has been implemented but I can’t seem to use SHIFT in conjunction with another key. For instance, I typically call up Ambience Match with F18 and SHIFT+F18 to apply. When I try to program this in, it doesn’t work. Is it possible to address this in a future update?

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Also on this topic, is it possible to add the ‘register’ function as well? Example. F18 for calling up Ambience Match, COMMAND+F18 to register a profile, then SHOFT+F18 to Apply.