Moved the original VB Script to this thread to make the first post easier to read
' TODO: Set the different Const and Arrays to your needs
' ---------------------------------------------------
Option Explicit
Const HTML = True ' True html file, False texte file (Tab delimited)
Const SECTIONNAME = False ' add the section name (True or False)
Const SORTKEY = False ' sort by key name (True or False)
' TODO : to have your keys in a certain order, enter them here:
B = Array( _
"F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","F10","F11","F12", _
"`","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0", _
"-","=","_","+","Backspace", _
"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L", "M", _
"N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z", _
"[", "]","\",";","'",",",".","/","Return","Space", _
"Insert", "Del", "Home", "End", "PgUp", "PgDown", _
"Left Arrow", "Up Arrow", "Right Arrow", "Down Arrow", _
"Pad0","Pad1","Pad2","Pad3","Pad4","Pad5","Pad6","Pad7", _
"Pad8","Pad9","Pad .","Pad /","Pad *","Pad -","Pad +","Enter" _
) ' end of array
' Make sure you have SORTKEY = False ;)
Const REMOVE_UNUSED = False ' removes unused keys from the list
' Find Replace key name , add always by pair: "SX key name", "New Name"
C = Array("_", "Shift+-", "+", "Shift+=")
' C = Array(-1) ' uncomment if you don't want key renaming
' Section color (
' Each section name must be followed by a color name
BK = Array( "AddTrack", "white", _
"Analyze", "gold", _
"Arranger", "gold", _
"Audio", "white", _
"Audio Export", "white", _
"Audio Realtime Processing", "white", _
"Automation", "white", _
"Beat Designer", "white", _
"Chords", "white", _
"Control Room", "white", _
"Devices", "white", _
"Edit", "crimson", _
"Editors", "MediumVioletRed", _
"Export", "deeppink", _
"File", "indianred", _
"Focus", "white", _
"Hitpoints", "Teal", _
"Hub", "white", _
"Import", "limegreen", _
"Inspector", "white", _
"Media", "DarkTurquoise", _
"MIDI", "turquoise", _
"Mixer", "linen", _
"Navigate", "peachpuff", _
"Note Expression", "white", _
"Nudge", "PeachPuff", _
"Preferences", "silver", _
"Preset", "white", _
"Process", "lightskyblue", _
"Process Logical Preset", "white",_
"Process Plugin", "mediumturquoise", _
"Process Project Logical Editor", "white",_
"Project", "GreenYellow", _
"Quantize Category", "steelblue", _
"Sample Editor", "white", _
"Score Align Elements", "white",_
"Score Functions", "white", _
"Score Meter Scale", "white", _
"Score Symbol Palettes", "white", _
"Scores", "white", _
"Scores Statusbar", "white", _
"Set Insert Length", "skyblue", _
"Tool", "Thistle", _
"Transport", "yellow", _
"Windows", "white", _
"Workspaces", "tan", _
"Zoom", "beige", _
"Macro", "MediumOrchid" _
CH = Array("auml" ,228,"ouml" ,246,"uuml" ,252,"szlig" ,223,"Auml" ,196,"Ouml" ,214,"Uuml" ,220,"nbsp" ,160,"Agrave" ,192,"Egrave" ,200,"Eacute" ,201,"Ecirc" ,202,"egrave" ,232,"eacute" ,233,"ecirc" ,234,"agrave" ,224,"iuml" ,239,"ugrave" ,249,"ucirc" ,251,"uuml" ,252,"ccedil" ,231,"AElig" ,198,"aelig" ,330, "OElig" ,338,"oelig" ,339,"euro" ,8364,"laquo" ,171,"raquo" ,187, "sect", 167)
' / TODO
Dim A, B, C, BK, CH
Sub GetSX_Keys
Dim WshShell, fso, f, f2, f3, dir, dir2, tp, bc, n
Redim A(UBound(B)+1)
For f = 0 To UBound(B)
A(f+1) = Array( B(f), ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".")
A(0) = Array("key", "-", "Shift", "Ctrl", "Alt", "Ctrl+Shift", "Alt+Shift", "Ctrl+Alt", "Ctrl+Alt+Shift")
If HTML Then tp = "html" else tp = "txt"
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
dir = WshShell.SpecialFolders("AppData") & "\Steinberg\Cubase 7_64\"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(dir & "Key Commands 2." & tp, True)
Set f2 = fso.CreateTextFile(dir & "KC_TMP.xml", True)
Set f3 = fso.OpenTextFile(dir & "Key Commands.xml", 1)
dim xmlDoc, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, s, d
set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
dir2 = replace(dir , "\", "/")
xmlDoc.validateOnParse = False
xmlDoc.resolveExternals = False
xmlDoc.async = False
' special foreign chars
f2.write "<!DOCTYPE characters [ <!ELEMENT characters (character*) > <!ELEMENT character (#PCDATA ) > "
For n = 0 To UBound(CH)
f2.Write "<!ENTITY " & CH(n) & " " & chr(34) & "&#" & CH(n+1) & ";" & chr(34) & " >"
n = n+1
f2.write "] > "
f2.write vbCRLF
xmlDoc.load(dir2 & "KC_TMP.xml")
If xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode Then
MsgBox _
"File: " & dir & "Key Commands.xml" &vbCrLf & _
"Line : " & xmlDoc.parseError.line & vbCrLf & _
"Error: " & xmlDoc.parseError.reason, 0, "XML parser error:"
' Exit Sub
End If
On error resume next
for each t in xmlDoc.childNodes
If s = "Macro" Then Exit For
for each u in t.childNodes
If s = "Macro" Then Exit For
for each v in u.childNodes
If s = "Macro" Then Exit For
for each w in v.childNodes
If w.nodename = "string" Then s = w.attributes.item(1).text
If s = "Process Plugin" Then bc = True Else bc = False
If s = "Macros" Then Exit For
for each x in w.childNodes
If x.childNodes.length = 2 Then
d = x.childNodes.item(0).attributes.item(1).text
If bc Then
If len(d) > 34 Then d = Mid(d, 35)
End If
If x.childNodes.item(1).childNodes.length > 1 Then
for each y in x.childnodes.item(1).childNodes
AddKey s, d , y.attributes.item(0).text
AddKey s, d , x.childNodes.item(1).attributes.item(1).text
End If
End If
If HTML then
f.write "<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width=" & _
chr(34) & "99%" & chr(34) & "align=center border=1>" & vbCrLf
End If
For t = 1 To UBound(A)
For u = t+1 To UBound(A)
If UCase(A(u)(0)) < UCase(A(t)(0)) Then
z = A(t) : A(t) = A(u) : A(u) = z
End If
End If
For t = 0 To UBound(A)
If HTML Then f.write "<TR>"
For B = 1 To UBound(A(t))
If A(t)(B) <> "." Then Exit For
If B > UBound(A(t)) Then
Redim b(-1) : A(t) = b
End If
End If
For u = 0 To UBound(A(t))
If HTML Then
If t = 0 Or u = 0 Then
f.write "<TD align=middle style=" & chr(34) & "FONT-WEIGHT: bold" & Chr(34) & ">" & A(t)(u) & "</TD>"
If A(t)(u) = "." Then
'f.write "<TD align=middle>" & A(t)(u) & "</TD>"
f.write "<TD align=middle>.</TD>"
f.write "<TD align=middle style=" & chr(34) & "BACKGROUND-COLOR: " & A(t)(u) & "</TD>"
End If
End If
f.write A(t)(u)
If u <> UBound(A(t)) Then f.write vbTab
End If
If HTML Then f.write "</TR>"
f.write vbCrLf
If HTML then f.write "</TABLE>" & vbCrLf
If HTML Then s = "Explorer.exe " Else s = "notepad.exe "
WshShell.Run s & dir & "Key Commands 2." & tp
End Sub
Sub AddKey(s, d, byval k)
dim bp, ak, n, kn, bkc, m, ks
k = Trim(k)
If IsArray(C) Then
For n = 0 To UBound(C) Step 2
If C(n) = k Then
k = C(n+1)
Exit for
End If
End If
ks = k
If Right(k, 1) = "+" Then bp = True
k = Replace(k, "+", vbCr)
If bp Then k = Left(k, len(k)-1) & "+"
ak = Split(k, vbCr) : kn = 0
For n = 0 To UBound(ak)-1
Select Case UCase(ak(n))
Case "SHIFT"
kn = kn Or 1
Case "CTRL"
kn = kn Or 2
Case "ALT"
kn = kn Or 4
End Select
For n = 1 To UBound(A)
If UCase(A(n)(0)) = UCase(ak(UBound(ak))) Then Exit For
If n > UBOund(A) Then
Redim Preserve A(n)
A(n) = Array(ak(UBound(ak)), ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".")
End If
Select Case kn
Case 4:
kn = 3
Case 3:
kn = 4
End Select
If HTML Then
bkc = "white"
If IsArray(BK) Then
For m = 0 To UBound(BK) Step 2
If BK(m) = s Then
bkc = BK(m+1)
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
A(n)(kn+1) = bkc & A(0)(kn) & ">" & s & "-" & d
A(n)(kn+1) = bkc & chr(34) & " title=" & chr(34) & "[ " & s & " ] " & ks & " : " & d & chr(34) & ">" & d
End If
End Sub
EDIT: If you are using the 32 bit C7, you have to edit the line that starts with dir = WshShell and remove _64.
It still seems to work with C7. So just create a RandomName.vbs file in your \Users\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase7(_64)\ directory.
Copy the following code into the vbs file. You can edit it with any text editor. You can mess with the colors for the type of command and there are options for dealing with some non-US character sets. Once you copy the code into the file, save it … double click the file and an html file should pop up with your key commands laid out by accelerator.