Komplete Kontrol Not seen in "Add Track" in Cubase 11 Pro

I shifted from my Laptop to a New PC with good config & bigger space, howwever now after reinstalling all I cannot Add “Komplete Kontrol” as a track in Cubase instead have to use Kontact player as a track. The issue with Kontact is that it doesnt light up the scales and patterns on my S88 as the Komplete Kontrol used to. Please help.


Is the Komplete Kontrol installed properly? Can you see the plug-in in the VST Plug-ins Manager? Do you use the default plug-ins configuration?

Yes as far as my knowledge, Konplete Kontrol is installed correctly as its working well. I can open it as a stand alone app and the scales light up and I use them, however I dont see Komplete Kontrol in my VSTs


Could you double-check the plug-in presence in the VST Plug-in Manager, please?

Checked. Its not there.


Is it in the Blocklist?

Is it VST3 plug-in or just VST2? If it’s VST2 only, did you set up the path?

That Im not sure. I have added few paths that i know. Yes they also have VST2 in them. Every time I add a new path and scan, it says NO NEW VST FOund. Whcih path I add and re scan?


I’m sorry, I don’t know, where the installer puts the VST2 plug-in, or where you set it up. You can find the path during the plug-in installation process. It’s always written there.