Korg Keystage 49/61 - Custom MIDI Remote Script

Here’s a custom script I’ve prepared for the Korg Keystage.

This script tries to cover many aspects of the MIDI Remote functionality, including:

  • Mixer Volume/Pan/Pregain/Mute/Solo/Arm Record/Select/Read and Write Automation
  • Focused Quick Controls (This was actually the reason for getting into writing this script)
  • Instrument Quick Controls
  • Channel Strip (EQ, Gate, Compressor, Tools, Saturator and Limiter)
  • Insert Effects Slots
  • Send Effects
  • Four Command Sets

Important Notice 1: This script won’t work in Cubase versions prior to 12.0.50

Important Notice 2: If you have already installed the official Korg’s MIDI Remote Script (NOT its drivers or anything else outside of Cubase), you first have to disable it

Here are some photos of the implemented functions:

Quick Guide:
Korg_Keystage_MIDI_Remote_Quick_Guide.pdf (577.3 KB)

Installation File (Current):

Korg_Keystage Custom_1_1_7.midiremote (567.9 KB)

Previous (just in case…)
Korg_Keystage Custom.midiremote (567.5 KB)


Script changed a bit to workaround the jog wheel binding with the AI knob when in the Focused Quick Controls mode, something I’ve noticed just on Macs, but you never know. At the same time, this workaround (again on Macs) solved an issue with mute/solo using the jog wheel, when in Play-Held mode.

I’ve added an option to use the Tempo button for other binding than the default one, which is the Tap-Tempo (and fine tuning using the jog wheel) used by Korg and which I’ve synced to Cubase. We can now deactivate this option by opening the mapOfGeneralSettings.js file in a text editor, and then

  • search for this line:

tapTempoActive: 1

  • replace 1 with a 0:
    tapTempoActive: 0

  • save this file and reload the script.

The binding of the Tempo button when the Tap-Tempo is inactive is located in the mapOfBindings.js file, and now defaults to the command Transport→Locate Previous Marker.

We can change it, by searching the line:

var tempoBinding=[‘Transport’, ‘Locate Previous Marker’]

and then replacing the two elements with the ones we want and can be found here (we can single click on a command snippet in order for it to by copied, and then paste it in our code replacing the content of the brackets):

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