Dear fellow Doricians,
Today Spitfire released a free instrument in their LABS series, Percussion. I thought it could be fine to provide a percussion map and a file with a kit already set — you can change the noteheads as you wish, what matters is that everything works as expected.
[Edit]: Playback templates added : LABS Percussion + HSO (default library), LABS Percussion + NotePerformer (for those who own NotePerformer), and LABS Percussion + Pianoteq + NotePerformer (for those who own Pianoteq and NotePerformer).
Hope it helps! LABS (2.4 KB) LABS Percussion.dorico (462.3 KB)
Thanks Fred. I know I put them there, but then I had a strange crash and maybe the last version was not the one posted… I’ll have a look at it and correct it!
Edit: Fred, you were right, I actually forgot to add the agogos in the Percussion map (it’s almost the same as Drums GM, with different names and… agogos).
Now it’s up to date.
Do you have any connections at Spitfire? Get them to add it, LOL! It’s been well over a decade but I recorded a maracatu titled Moragatu (a pun by composer Gary Morgan) that featured some of the more traditional instruments too. There were a lot of different Brazilian grooves on that session so the percussionists had piles of “pots and pans.” Can’t recall if there was a Gonguê though.