Hi Folks,
I’m in the middle of a project where I created powerpoint sized files. All was working great prior to the update. I created a template from my file so that I could use it again. Now, my customer wants to add 2 more songs and I’m getting a different output. I’ve checked all of the settings in the Layout Option and they look the same, but the print option no longer recognizes my page size. Am I missing something obvious? I could really use your help. I’ve attached 2 pdfs… the first one is from before the update, the 2nd one is from today.
Lord Listen to Your Children Praying PPT.pdf (17.8 KB)
God Hears Me When I Pray.pdf (22.9 KB)
just some added info. I’ve looked over the options in the print menu: If I select printer instead of graphics, I get a drop down box for page setup. One choice is postscript custom page size, which seems to address what I need. However, I cannot find any place where I can type in that size.
I may be wrong (others are more experienced in this area), but I think the correct approach is to set your page size (even for Powerpoint slides) in Layout Options (this setting will apply to all your flows [songs]) and then print to graphics (which will produce a pdf with the correct size pages).
I’ve already done that. My page size is correct. It’s not translating to the print menu either under the graphics or print tab.
Linda, excuse the question, are you sure you are actually looking at the right layout?
Full Score vs. Part?
Linda, could you share one or both of those project files here on the forum?
There haven’t been any changes between Dorico 5.1.70 and 5.1.80 that would affect how the music is laid out. There was a change in how the print preview appears when using irregular page sizes, and I wonder whether that is perhaps what you are noticing? However, there won’t be any change to the actual graphics that are exported.
Hi Daniel, I did include two pdf files at the beginning of this post. Does that work? Or do you prefer me to send the dorico files?
yes, full score… this project doesn’t need any parts.
I need to see the Dorico projects, because from what you say, the PDFs don’t look the way you expect. Presumably the Dorico projects look different, and how you do expect them to look.
sure, Thank you Daniel.
Let My Life Bring Praise to You Lord PPT.dorico (822.1 KB)
God Hears Me When I Pray.dorico (667.3 KB)
Thank you for these examples (they are not matching the ones you sent the pdfs from in your first post)
So there is not really a way to compare what you expect to see.
Probably not related to your issue, but I do notice in your procect “Let my life” your unusual way to use a single player (Treble staff) and add a second staff to that player:
Dorico provides a way to use a Choir (reduction) player - instead of your workaround.
I took the liberty to add the (section) player “Choir (reduction)” to your template, and suddenly the staff size looked much more like you would probably expect it.
I then pasted your music to that player and deleted your “Treble staff”
Let My Life Bring Praise to You Lord PPT 2 - Choir (reduction).pdf (24.5 KB)
Let My Life Bring Praise to You Lord PPT 2 - Choir (reduction).dorico (893.0 KB)
Thank you, Daniel for looking at this. I’m still trying to figure out the best way to do things in Dorico (former Finale user). This is very helpful. I will take a closer look at it.
Regarding the custom page size translating to a pdf printout, however, It’s not clear to me that the information set up in Layout is transferring to the print output. Here is an example where my page size needs to be exact in the pdf output. There’s no indication that it is – and the page size selectors are greyed out. How do I know if it’s accurate?
Possible template for CSSH Hymnal.dorico (832.4 KB)
Hi there, Linda—After exporting a PDF from your Dorico file and checking the page dimensions via Preview, it looks like your setup is working perfectly. The Dorico page size (on the left) matches the exported PDF dimensions (on the right):
I hope this is helpful!
If you don’t trust Dorico you can later check the size of your pdf in an external application, f.e. in Preview - as @BrooksDaniel-Hoste pointed out.
ohh, thank you BrooksDaniel!! I didn’t think about checking that info in the pdf.
Truly appreciate all of your help… Thank you!!