I randomly started experiencing this issue where, upon entering plugin, mixer, sends, or transport mode for the endless encoders on my Novation Launchkey mk4, these modes do not actually work, Turning the knobs just displays the name of my first track (Horns Legato) and the number “0,” instead of the scrub position and all… Strangely, it depends on the project. In some projects, it works, in others no. When this problem arose I was using Cubase 13 artist, but it persists with Cubase 14 on a project basis. Any new project I create, it doesn’t work either. Here is a photo of the little screen on my controller from a non-working scenario.
All my software and drivers are up to date.
Anyone have any ideas why this is happening or how I could solve it?
All help is much appreciated.
Hi I’m having exactly the same problem. I raised it as a technical issue but have not had any response from Steinberg as yet. Will keep u posted
Hi, Try this. I came across it having spent hours on Google!!
Exert from a response
"DO NOT follow Novation’s instructions when registering product if using CB12 or newer. It asks how you plan to use and if you select use with other DAWS it will ask which one, so if you click CUBASE it provides outdated instructions. Older versions require you to set up a HUI devise.
Cubase 12 or newer has full integration for Launchkey out of the box. Following steps by Novation breaks the controller. If you have set up your Launchkey as a HUI device go into your studio set up page and delete HUI then relaunch Cubase 12 or newer and it should work correctly."
I tried and it works perfect now in CB14. Time will tell I suppose!!
Thanks for your suggestion. I don’t think I had anything to do with HUI device setup. All I have done is install a Launchkey driver and the controller’s appropriate MIDI remote script.
Is there any window I can screenshot to give you any hints?
Thanks so much.
If u could go into studio set up and provide screenshots of your set up it
might help?
Let me know if you could benefit from any other info.
Will b in studio this afternoon and will compare.
I doubt Steinberg handles support for Novation keyboards. You should write to Novation about your problems. Are you guys using Cubase 14? There is some new stuff in there that might need modification in the midi remote script.
Hi Glen it seems it is more to do with the integration. Apparently when opening the Novation it asks what DAW and if you respond as “Cubase” it doesn’t differentiate between new or older versions. This means it says to set up HUI but since 2012 when the Midi Remote came into being this is not the case.
So from hours of Googling I found from 2 years ago it suggests removing HUI from the Studio Set up and now it works fine.
I did raise ny initial problem with both Steinberg and Novation but only Novation responded.
Hi I attach the screenshotsof my set up which is now working great.
In Studio Setup top left “Add Device” and from the dropdown select “Generic Remote” then on the right screen select MIDIN2 (Launchkey MK4 61) and at bottom right “Apply”.
Open Midi Port Set Up and as per my settings only for MK4 61 in your case.
Select at bottom Use Device ‘Direct Music’
Hope this helps.
Forgot to mention once you have done the set up close Cubase and restart and it should hopefully pick up the changes with Novation
I had this issue and noticed it happens when I open Cubase while the Launchkey MK4 is in “sleep”/ lights out mode.