I got tired of thinking of passwords for protected layers, so I made a generator.
Max character count is 69 and will default to this value if exceeded.
If you only want alpha numeric characters, then comment out line 2 ( min = 33, max = 41).
This will change the max character count to 60.
Characters won’t be repeated in a password.
rndSets = {
{min = 33, max = 41}, -- non alpha numeric characters
{min = 48, max = 57}, -- numbers
{min = 65, max = 90}, -- uppercase
{min = 97, max = 122}, -- lowercase
function getRanges()
local ranges = {} ; ranges.total = 0
for i, set in ipairs(rndSets) do
local range = set.max - set.min + 1
ranges[i] = ranges.total + 1
ranges.total = ranges.total + range
return ranges
mapRanges = getRanges()
function mapChar(char)
for ind, offset in ipairs(mapRanges) do
if char >= offset and
(mapRanges[ind + 1] and
{char < mapRanges[ind + 1]} or
{char <= mapRanges.total})[1] then
local offsetInd = (char - offset) + rndSets[ind].min
return offsetInd
function getRndChar(word, char)
local charMapped = mapChar(char)
while charMapped == 34 or charMapped == 39 or word[char] do
char = char + 1 ; char = char > mapRanges.total and 1 or char
charMapped = mapChar(char)
word[char] = true
return charMapped, char
function genPassword(length, count)
length = length and (length >= mapRanges.total - 2 and mapRanges.total - 2 or length) or 20
for c = 1, count or 1 do
local password = {}
for i = 1, length do
local random = math.random(mapRanges.total)
local rndCharMapped, rndChar = getRndChar(password, random)
local nl = (count and count > 1 and c < count and i == length) and '\n' or ''
printRaw(('%c%s'):format(rndCharMapped, nl))
Call the function like this to generate a 30 character password:
Adding a second argument will generate multiple passwords at the same time.
genPassword(30, 50)