Layers to tracks how?

I am running spectrolayers in Cubase. I split a song, worked for hours getting the layers about as good as I want to and then wanted to put into tracks within the project. So in the Cubase file menu, there is no import or export layers. And in spectralayer within Cubase there is no File menu.

Before, I used Spectralayers externally on the same project song, split, made the same kind of adjustments and exported the layers as audio files and then imported them into Cubase. I started working on them there for quite a while till I noticed that they didn’t play back in time with the project, and then zoomed out to the end and saw that they were all several measure longer than the project. So I aborted all that and started again.

Just drag them to their corresponding Tracks that you have created in Cubase. Stereo layers need stereo Tracks.

In Cubase, check Snap to Events (rather than to Grid) to make the Layers/new Parts align perfectly with the start of the original Part when you drag them from SpectraLayers. This might not be necessary but could be a good measure if you’ve had problems with alignment before.

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