Layout Flows Around Text Frame: Possible?

I want a multi-flow project to have sections that each include several flows. I’d ;like to be able to insert uber-flow text frames that force the layout to flow around them. Is this possible?

I guess I could fake this by creating a new flow for each of the uber-flow titles I want and just change the text style and create an invisible staff.

What other elegant ways can this be done?

No, it’s not possible for music to automatically flow around text frames. You would have to create multiple music frames that are manually positioned to take the text frames into account.

If you create multiple music frames and link them in a frame chain you could use a single flow if you want, on both sides of the text frame.

At least I think so, I’ve not done it myself.

With some effort, it is possible to have the layout flow around a text frame using only one music frame:

There is one single player holding a piano and the 0-line instrument from this post. The piano changes to the 0-line instrument when a system passes through the text frame and changes back afterwards. By using system breaks and carefully adjusted note spacing changes, the staff lines can be made to touch the border of the text frame on both sides. By using repeat markers, even the playback skips over the text frame.

Here is the project:
Layout Flows Around Text Frame.dorico (692.2 KB)


Some flee a challenge. Others embrace it.


A version with multiple music frames…


With a frame chain linking them? :grinning:

Of course. All set to MA… 1 2 3 4…

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The only (very very minor) thing here would be that the clefs may be undesired.
Perhaps some other trick is in the air? :smiley:

Using hidden codas rather than the 0-line instrument makes it easier to align the gap in each system which passes through the text frame while continuing to have only one music frame:

Each coda to the right of the text frame uses the property Hide systemic barline to remove both the brace and barline, making it necessary to replace the barline with a vertical line. Each treble clef to the right of the text frame is replaced with the invisible clef, and each bass clef is replaced with the invisible bass clef from this post. The normal clefs are restored at the beginning of the next system, and a coda is added to hide the courtesy clefs at the end of the previous system.

Here is the revised project:
Layout Flows Around Text Frame v2.dorico (657.0 KB)


As someone once said, “Some flee a challenge. Others embrace it.”

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