I used a option to group divisi staves together by instrument in this score and I’m trying to use it again for a different score but I can’t find it. I’ve looked all over layout options but can’t figure it out. If anyone knows where I could refind this option, that would be amazing.
Welcome to the forum @gruett - what look are you trying to produce?
Do you want your divisi staves to be squished onto one staff per instrument, with the two parts sharing the staff?
If so, you’re looking for condensing - there’s a menu option to enable it, then further options in Layout Options > Players > Condensing and Notation Options > Condensing.
On that previous score, I found an option to format divisi staves like a grand staff (closer together) rather than spacing them equally like separate instruments. I’ve been looking through layout options but can’t seem to find where I had found that previously.
This is what it looks like normally without this option on where staves are spaced out equally:
Not sure how I lost it - I’ve been searching layout options for it and can’t seem to find it, just hoping someone was aware of the feature. Thanks for the help!
Ah yes, there is indeed an option for that – look on the Vertical Spacing page in Layout Options.
Thank you @Lillie_Harris: I learned something new today!
Here an example (the values settings are only explanatory and need to be adjusted based on your context, of course):
Happy anniversary Lillie.