Learn Logical Editor

Hey forum.

I’ve been buried in Cubase everyday for 70 days 14 hours a day trying to learn this beast. Really starting to get on a roll with the custom cmd’s etc.
Only thing is. The logical editor. I have heard it’s the most powerful part of cubase…But currently I’m really struggling to understand how to work it…not the best with “logical” things.

So does anyone on here teach or give lessons around the logical editor?
Or have info that explains it in a way for people that are a bit more visual?
Would just be nice to understand its true power.

For example I thought there was no way to Invert midi…and the isn’t…logically. But with the logical editor this is now possible! What other secrets am I missing out on?..

I think that you need to check Google and of course - YouTube. Some of great tips you will find for sure! And you can check Cubase index or discord. From Greg Ondo live streams you can learn so many things as well…

There’s a series of videos on this topic by a guy whose content I rate which might be useful, first one is here:

Good luck.

Groove3.com has a course on this:

They actually have a lot of Cubase courses (I have their All-Access Pass, which gives access to any courses they have on there for one yearly fee), and those courses were really key to my getting to know Cubase in reasonable depth. Don’t discount the older Cubase courses, either, because I found some features I thought were missing in Cubase (after having come from Cakewalk SONAR) from videos in the older courses, where those features were not mentioned in the newer Cubase courses.

I did do the Logical Editors course at one point a while back, and it was useful, though I really haven’t used the Logical Editors all that much myself. Just every once in a while.

Other than tutorials, the way I have learned the LE and PLE is by taking the factory presets and modifying them to fit my objectives. When there is an objective I can’t find close to a factory preset, I ask someone smart.

With the LE, it is extremely user dependent. One persons gold is another persons junk.

If you want midi notes to insert in the editor then modify by emphasis etc, Luke Johnson has over 100 presets. You can also find his same at the Metagrid website. Whether or not you find them useful…again…it’s user dependent.

Honestly thanks so much everyone. This forum is a godsend. Time to spend the next 10 hours trying to edit my logic


You might also search on Youtube for “One Man and His Songs”; his channel covers many Steinberg products in great detail (honestly Steinberg should give this guy an honorary title & a stipend) & I know for instance at least one of his videos is devoted exclusively to understanding & using the logical editor.


check the factory presets, see how they are built.
Project logical editor + Logical editor + macros are super powerfull.

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Two comments on the Logical Editors.

They all are dependent on Boolean Logic and if you aren’t clear about how that works, it is better to learn that in advance before trying to understand how Boolean Logic works in conjunction with the Logical Editors.

The Logical Editors have no way to store info for later use (i.e. create programing variables). This means you can’t modify Item A based on some quality of Item B - which intuitively seems like it should be possible. Early on it’s easy to spend time looking for a way to do something that can’t be done.

Good point! Where would I be without his omnisphere and halion deep dive. That man is amazing.

Whoa. Ok. Never heard of that before but, I’m about to I guess. Best start at the beginning of concept and work my way through it.

Just came across this, I totally agree (Anthony) One man and his songs is absolutely brilliant such a clever man.