I now have a setup with 2 MCU’s and a generic remote, so I can control and display 16 channels on one page WITH channel names displayed.
I also changed the “selected channel” selection methode, you now have a MCU display with 16 channels on the bottom of the selected channel pages, you can select a channel by clicking on the name(!) and you can scroll the normal MCU way trough all your channels(<<8>> or <<1>> channel) with dedicated buttons.
So now you always see the name of the channel you are working on, even in "selected channel mode…
The “open channel with active plugins” button works now. If you select a channel with the button activated, all active plugins will open also. If you select another channel, all plugins of the previous selected channel close, and the active plugins of the currently selected channel will open. 
One (1) button for solo AND listen defeat.
And a listen button! (it only works when the mixer is open)
You can toggle your record monitor mode(prefs/vst/auto monitoring)
The faders on the right on the selected channel page are the cubase master and my RME totalmix (speakers and controlroom headphones) master.
[25-01-2012 EDIT]
I now added a tabbed part on the channel interface, with a selection for 4 modes: editing, mixing, recording and automation. This way the interface is less cluttered, and for example when mixing I don’t need a record button, I and want my metering post-fader, but when recording I need talkback and want my metering pre-fader. The solo button is also missing in the record tab, this way I don’t accidently hit solo when recording (I use my main mix + an aux for the musicians) as this would interfear with their mix.
some new pics:
It is still a work in progress, the next thing will be an edit/zoom page and a controllroom page, with foobar remote control on the external imput for reference while mixing, a 2track return for comparing with your “old mix”, and a page for some plugins I use a lot.
[25-01-2012 EDIT:]
At the moment I am using MIDIYOKE for virtual ports and bomes miditranslator (59 euro) for extra midi conversion. Lemur will set you back 39 euro’s.
But now I can do basic mixing on Ipad WITHOUT looking at my computer…And it realy, realy is fast too. Feels like the real thing. I can finaly get inside my computer…
I will post a video soon ( @ the end of next week).
{edit] as some of you may have noticed…no video yet. Sorry, due to circumstances this project is on hold for now.
kind regards, jurgen