licence LE AI elements 9.5

I got a free download of cubase LE AI 9.5 elements with my steinberg ur12 usb audio interface

I also got a e licence Donegal

but when I open up cubase its tell me

some content could not be loaded. either , licenses are missing or trail licences have expired

VST3 presets for flux

any anyone tell me what I need to do to resolve this please


Follow this Missing/expired trial licenses article, please.

thanks so much for the reply

annoyingly I’ve tried this I’ve been back and forward with steinberg and there being so unhelpful and might reply one a week to an email

I don’t mind buying licences if thats what I need to do but can’t find them anyway only cubase 11 but my computer will only support 9.5

got any idea??



You don’t need USB-eLicenser for Cubase AI. The USB-eLicenser is required for Cubase Pro and Artist only.

I don’t think you need another license. Just uninstall a content you don’t have license for.